One Fight Doesn’t Have to Mean the End of Your Marriage

How many times have you been involved in a fight with your wife, left the situation un-resolved and felt like the easiest thing to do would be to end the marriage? Get where I am going? Here are a few of my typical thoughts I used to have immediately after a dispute with my wife: […]

5 Ways A Man Can Build Resolution

Forget the New Years resolution mindset this year. A real man shouldn’t need a holiday or a cultural mentality to tell him when he needs to make a change in his life. A man growing in maturity needs to learn how to recognize when changes need to be made and be bold enough to make […]

5 Ways to Resolve the Blame Game in Your Marriage

It’s easy to blame your spouse for your marriage issues when you think you’re doing everything possible to make it great. The real question is, “Are you?” Chances are you are both responsible for your marriage issues. Now, stay with me here. My wife and I struggled for years when it came to our marriage […]