5 Surprising Benefits of Keeping a Quote Journal

As a young man in my early twenties the activities of reading, writing and journaling were far from my mind. But as I headed out of my twenties and now in my thirties, these activities have become an essential part of my maturity as a man. Believe it or not, they can help you grow […]

5 Daily Options to Help you Mature in your Faith

Work, family and entertainment are the three things taking up the most time in the lives of men today. There is nothing wrong with these three things, in fact, they all have their place of necessity in a man’s life. What I continue to work on though are the ways to keep a man’s faith strong […]

3 Reasons Why Every Christian Man Should Write

Are you ready? Good…   HONESTY There, I said it. Let’s be honest gentlemen and start things out in the seat of your local church. You know, the one you try to sit in every week. Maybe you are sitting there alone, maybe your arm is around your wife. Either way you are sitting there, listening […]