A wise man once told me that when I find myself around single women, especially when I find them attractive or interesting, I should mention my wife and family early in the conversation. I have found … [Dig in...]
A beard might help you look like a mature man. A "manly" smell based off the latest deodorant or cologne campaign might help you smell like a mature man. Even a high ranking position at work or a … [Dig in...]
One of the biggest blessings to maintaining a site that encourages men to a stronger marriage is the site search terms. For those of you who are not familiar, search terms are the real terms or words people are typing into search engines and then provided with website options. In this case, there have been over […]
All I could do was stand there. I tried to keep my eyes closed, but it was as though they were forced open. The gates were a distance off, but they looked larger than anything I had ever seen. The bridge just before them was falling apart and went on for miles. Jagged rocks lined […]
Do you ever find yourself having an issue that you just can’t seem to get resolved or find an answer to? I use to struggle with issues like that all the time and I still struggle with them on occasion. I started to find better and quicker resolutions when I realized I needed to take […]
The other day I felt like I had reached a breaking point at work. I had to reluctantly move my vehicle out of the way for someone and decided it was time to just go for a drive. It was almost lunchtime so I grabbed my keys, picked up some grub and headed out to […]
This is a feature Guest Post by Bob Evenhouse. If you are interested in writing a guest post for the Manturity, please review the guest post tab and contact us. I am thirty, but I am much older. In fact, I am older than God per a quote by GK Chesterton that I will share in […]
– Feature Guest Post by Jose Florencio – At some point or another, every man questions his personal virility. “Am I, a real man?” “Am I man enough?” Most of us have our own opinion about what it means to be a real man. Strong? Courageous? A great leader? Characteristics like these come to mind when we […]