A wise man once told me that when I find myself around single women, especially when I find them attractive or interesting, I should mention my wife and family early in the conversation. I have found … [Dig in...]
A beard might help you look like a mature man. A "manly" smell based off the latest deodorant or cologne campaign might help you smell like a mature man. Even a high ranking position at work or a … [Dig in...]
MAN UP! BECOMING A GODLY MAN IN AN UNGODLY WORLD is a book I recently had the pleasure of reading. It was written by author and speaker Jody Burkeen. So why read it? The book starts out with a powerful testimony about the journey Jody had to go through to truly find God. It’s a testimony of […]
It had been months since I had made an accountability call to one of my local brothers. I knew I had needed to make the call, but I just kept putting it off. I kept telling myself that I didn’t need the interaction; that the time together was going to be of no benefit. But […]
After months of preparation the wedding finally arrives. You say “I Do” to your beautiful and wonderful wife and take off into the adventures of married life. As I wrote that first paragraph above, I started to question the word ‘preparation’. The word preparation typically means the coordination of wedding events, clothing, food and so […]
PERSONALLY As a man, I understand two things very well; affirmation and respect. I don’t just enjoy hearing or feeling those particular things in my life, I yearn for them. I need to hear words of affirmation from my wife, my father, my friends and my Heavenly Father. Without it I feel directionless and purposeless. […]