<span class="widget-headline">MANLY ESSENTIALS FROM HUCKBERRY</span>



A wise man once told me that when I find myself around single women, especially when I find them attractive or interesting, I should mention my wife and family early in the conversation. I have found … [Dig in...]


A beard might help you look like a mature man. A "manly" smell based off the latest deodorant or cologne campaign might help you smell like a mature man. Even a high ranking position at work or a … [Dig in...]


MAN UP! BECOMING A GODLY MAN IN AN UNGODLY WORLD is a book I recently had the pleasure of reading. It was written by author and speaker Jody Burkeen. So why read it? The book starts out with a powerful testimony about the journey Jody had to go through to truly find God. It’s a testimony of […]

It had been months since I had made an accountability call to one of my local brothers. I knew I had needed to make the call, but I just kept putting it off. I kept telling myself that I didn’t need the interaction; that the time together was going to be of no benefit. But […]

After months of preparation the wedding finally arrives. You say “I Do” to your beautiful and wonderful wife and take off into the adventures of married life. As I wrote that first paragraph above, I started to question the word ‘preparation’. The word preparation typically means the coordination of wedding events, clothing, food and so […]

PERSONALLY As a man, I understand two things very well; affirmation and respect. I don’t just enjoy hearing or feeling those particular things in my life, I yearn for them. I need to hear words of affirmation from my wife, my father, my friends and my Heavenly Father. Without it I feel directionless and purposeless. […]

Let’s get right to the facts. A little under three years into my marriage, it was anything but roses. The days of remembering our vows were long gone and communication had all but dried up. The only thing I needed to do was the last thing I wanted to do. What was it? Man up […]

–  Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller  – As a child sitting in front of the T.V. and watching one of my favorite cartoons, “G.I. Joe”, I would play with the action figures and get absorbed in the story line when finally the episode would come to a close and one or two of the […]