A wise man once told me that when I find myself around single women, especially when I find them attractive or interesting, I should mention my wife and family early in the conversation. I have found … [Dig in...]

A beard might help you look like a mature man. A "manly" smell based off the latest deodorant or cologne campaign might help you smell like a mature man. Even a high ranking position at work or a … [Dig in...]

If God created sex and marriage; then gave us the book on how it works together, shouldn’t married Christians be having better sex than anyone else? I’ll let you think about that one for a few moments… It’s not a secret that sex is a “hot” topic in today’s world and culture. On one hand, […]

– Feature Guest Poem by Jonathan Beam – Amazement in this underground composition Composed at the drop of a hat In dyer effort to reconstruct self institution Only takes a subtle slight of hand And here I am lord waiting Here I am Satan, I’ll meet you on land or sea I bore my pain […]

– Featured Guest Post By Wesley Oaks- Let’s face it… marriage can be tough. It’s something we must always work at to keep it at its best. If we don’t work at marriage, then it will eventually fall apart. Think of it like something that needs regular maintenance to maintain perfection. Everyone’s experience will of […]

You Are Called. You Go. You Conquer! Answer the call and go conquer! YOU’RE CALLED I remember hearing the phrase, “opportunities are everywhere”. I honestly use to think this was a good thing. I’d say it to younger men who appeared to be doing nothing with their lives and going nowhere. As years have passed […]