A wise man once told me that when I find myself around single women, especially when I find them attractive or interesting, I should mention my wife and family early in the conversation. I have found … [Dig in...]
A beard might help you look like a mature man. A "manly" smell based off the latest deodorant or cologne campaign might help you smell like a mature man. Even a high ranking position at work or a … [Dig in...]
It’s easy to blame your spouse for your marriage issues when you think you’re doing everything possible to make it great. The real question is, “Are you?” Chances are you are both responsible for your marriage issues. Now, stay with me here. My wife and I struggled for years when it came to our marriage […]
If you’re a husband or father in your household, than you fall into the same category as me… Leader. Everyday is a schedule. It includes things you need to do for yourself, your work and your family. The things you do for yourself are most likely very common, almost mindless. There are the daily things […]
WHAT MAKES A MAN A MAN? Today’s culture makes it difficult to define what true manliness looks like anymore. Commercials on the television are putting out ads with well dressed men, tall and handsome to promote a cologne titled “Man Up“. Is this really what “manning up” is all about? The smell? Is the man […]
What is spiritual maturity and what are some ways to find it in our everyday life? One of the best ways to learn or teach your self about something is to break it down into quotes. Volume 3 of original Manturity quotes is all about the topic of spiritual maturity. Take a few minutes to […]
Just over a year ago, I was reading through the latest Men’s Health Magazine. In the process, I came across a page full of stats. Stats that were annoying, and disturbing. They were all about men and their inability to stay away from lust and hold off their eyes from looking at other women. Some […]
It doesn’t matter if you partied hard or studied hard during college or high school; the way to success afterwards is the same. You can define success by watching the way your parents lived or you can pick someone in particular and base your ideas on that person. Either way, and whether your intentionally thinking […]