The 5 Tones of a Husband

Before my wife and I got married, we dated for about six years. Overall we had good communication, but we still had our issues here and there. After a few years of dating, we were hanging out at a little fair one night and our communication started to fail and the night started to get […]

10 Ways to Handle Social Media in Your Marriage

Social media is everywhere these days and this includes our marriages. I found out early in my marriage that rules had to be set in the social world between my wife and me. Through a few ups and downs we agreed to work together to make sure social media did not affect our marriage in […]

5 Reasons Why Your Marriage Needs Church

Congratulations you’re married! You will never need help from anything or anyone ever again! You’re crazy if you believe that for a second, but I would think that a lot of newlyweds or early married couples think in this kind of way. Why? Sometimes marriage can make people think that the amazing person they just […]