A wise man once told me that when I find myself around single women, especially when I find them attractive or interesting, I should mention my wife and family early in the conversation. I have found … [Dig in...]
A beard might help you look like a mature man. A "manly" smell based off the latest deodorant or cologne campaign might help you smell like a mature man. Even a high ranking position at work or a … [Dig in...]
You know that when you set out to do a good work, it can’t be done without having the right tools. The job might be something as simple as hanging a picture frame to something as complicated as building a house. The right tools are essential to get the job done right and efficiently. As […]
– Feature Guest Post by EuGene Jordan – As a kid I use to take dance classes, play chess and have piano lessons… I mainly hung out with females, enjoyed creative art and to top it off the Disney classic ‘Beauty and the Beast’ was ranked as one of my favorite films. I have vivid memories of […]
– This is a Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller – There is an epidemic in this country and people are becoming walking zombies, the statistics are high. Families are abandoned, homes destroyed, children left to try to pick up the pieces without one parent or the other. Men are walking away in droves and […]
As men go, I don’t think any of us are surprised by the fact its almost Christmas, but I do think we get surprised by the amount of chaos that comes along with it every year. For myself, it’s right around mid-November that my wife starts bringing up the need to get the decorations out […]
What I see: Unfortunately, I see a lot of young men heading down a path that leads to nowhere. Since I’ve already walked through their path, I can understand their mentality at this point, but don’t necessary agree with their motivations or lack thereof. There are too many distractions and not enough time spent on […]